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Kumari Legacy

Fluorite stone

Fluorite stone

Regular price €7,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €7,00 EUR
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Fluorite is a semi-precious stone often used in lithotherapy for its healing and protective properties. Here is a product sheet to help you understand the virtues, purification, recharging and use of natural fluorite.


Fluorite is known to be a stone of concentration, learning and understanding. It is also used for psychic and energetic protection. Fluorite is also known for its emotional healing properties, it soothes negative emotions, calms and soothes the mind. Fluorite is used in lithotherapy to help stimulate creativity and communication.


It is important to purify fluorite regularly, as it can absorb negative energies and emotions from people who use it. To clean it, you can run it under running water for a few minutes, or place it in a bowl of salt for a few hours. Fluorite can also be cleansed by letting it sit under sunlight or moonlight for a few hours.


Once you have cleansed your fluorite, you can recharge it by placing it on a crystal cluster (amethyst or quartz), or by placing it in a bowl of rice for a few hours. Fluorite can also be recharged by letting it sit under sunlight or moonlight for a few hours.

Use :

Fluorite can be used in different ways, depending on your needs. You can wear it on your person as jewelry (tumbled stone, pendant), place it in your home or office to improve mood and air quality, or hold it in your hand during meditation to help concentration.

In summary, natural fluorite is a precious stone that can be used in lithotherapy for its healing, protective and concentration properties. To benefit from its benefits, it is important to purify it regularly and recharge it according to your needs.


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