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Sphynx statuette of your choice

Sphynx statuette of your choice

Regular price €33,48 EUR
Regular price Sale price €33,48 EUR
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The Sphynx Statuette is an exquisite piece of lithotherapy, carved from natural stone, measuring 5.5 cm in length, 3 cm in width and 4.5 cm in height.

Virtues of natural jasper:

  1. Stability and balance : Jasper is known for its ability to bring stability, emotional and mental balance, as well as inner strength.

  2. Anchoring : This stone helps with grounding, connecting its wearer to the Earth, which is particularly beneficial for those who feel disconnected from reality.

  3. Protection : Jasper acts as an energetic shield, protecting against negative energies and unwanted external influences.

  4. Vitality : It can boost vitality and energy, helping to overcome fatigue and lethargy.

Virtues of fluorite:

  1. Mental Clarity : Fluorite is known to promote concentration, mental clarity and organization.
  2. Psychic Protection : It creates a shield of energetic protection, helping to block negative energies and unwanted influences.
  3. Emotional Balance : Fluorite can help soothe emotions and promote a calm state of mind.

Use :

The Sphynx Statuette can be placed in your meditation space, on your altar, or simply in a living room to benefit from its soothing vibrations. You can also hold it during meditation to strengthen your connection to the Earth.


To purify your jasper or fluorite statuette, you can rinse it under clean water or let it sit in a bowl of salt water for a few hours. You can also purify it by passing it through white sage incense smoke or placing it on a bed of quartz crystals.


To recharge your statuette's energy, place it in sunlight for a few hours or under moonlight overnight. You can also recharge it by placing it near a quartz geode.

Jasper Chakra:

Jasper is generally associated with the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. It helps balance this chakra, promoting a sense of security, grounding and connection to the Earth.

Fluorite Chakra:

Fluorite is particularly associated with the Third Eye Chakra, located between the eyebrows. It opens this chakra, promoting intuition, clairvoyance and spiritual elevation. It can also be used to balance the Throat Chakra, improving communication and self-expression.


Ultra resistant diamond wire 1MM / Stainless steel chain


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Any undamaged product in its original packaging can be returned to us within 30 days of delivery. Defective products not refundable.

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