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Kumari Legacy

Natural Tiger Eye Bracelet

Natural Tiger Eye Bracelet

Regular price €24,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,00 EUR
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Natural Tiger Eye Bracelet

  1. Product Description :

    The Natural Tiger's Eye Bracelet is an exceptional piece of craftsmanship, created from authentic tiger's eye beads. Tiger's Eye is a semi-precious stone with shimmering stripes and a shimmering color ranging from golden yellow to deep brown. Each pearl is carefully polished to reveal its natural beauty. This elegant and versatile bracelet is designed to fit any wrist and provide a touch of style while providing the benefits of tiger's eye.

  2. Energetic and Physical Virtues :

    Tiger's eye is renowned for its energetic and physical virtues. It is considered a protective stone that helps ward off negative energies. Additionally, this stone can promote self-confidence, motivation and mental clarity. On a physical level, tiger's eye is believed to relieve headaches, strengthen the immune system, and promote healing.

  3. Use, Purification and Recharging :

    To fully benefit from the properties of the tiger's eye, wear this bracelet on your wrist. You can also use this stone during meditations to strengthen your concentration and grounding. To purify and recharge the tiger's eye, place it under clean water for a few minutes, then expose it to sunlight or moonlight for a while.

  4. Related Chakra :

    The eye of the tiger is often associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is located in the stomach. It is considered a stone that balances this chakra, thus promoting self-confidence, vitality and creativity.

  5. History and Anecdotes :

    Tiger's Eye is a stone that has been used for centuries in various cultures for its protective and energetic properties. She was believed to carry the properties of a tiger, symbolizing strength, courage and determination. The ancient Egyptians used it to protect against curses, while the Romans wore it as a good luck item.

    It is a fascinating stone with a rich history, which makes it a meaningful jewelry choice for those seeking protection and positive energy.


Ultra resistant diamond wire 1MM / Stainless steel chain


Orders are processed the same day + 3 to 5 working days depending on the carrier chosen


Please indicate your wrist size in CM in the small section dedicated to this purpose.


Any undamaged product in its original packaging can be returned to us within 30 days of delivery. Defective products not refundable.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Always Wear Red Lipstick

J'ai acheté ce bracelet et je l'adore ! J'ai pris le temps de lire toutes les infos pour choisir celui qui me conviendrait le mieux ... Merci à Kumari Legacy de répondre à toutes nos questions ... Ce bracelet, réalisé avec soin est une pure merveille ... Depuis que je l'ai, il ne quitte plus mon poignet ...
Envoi rapide et soigné, je recommande vivement.