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Obsidian Ankh Cross

Obsidian Ankh Cross

Regular price €40,80 EUR
Regular price Sale price €40,80 EUR
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Taxes included.

This beautiful Obsidian Ankh Cross is an exceptional piece for your crystal collection. The Ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol that represents life and immortality, and obsidian is a natural stone known for its protective and healing properties. This unique combination brings both spiritual and earthly energy to your space.

Features :

  • Material: Obsidian
  • Length: 10cm
  • Width: 1cm
  • Thickness: 1.5 cm
  • Weight: 0.150
  • Color: Deep black

Properties of Obsidian:

  • Protection: Obsidian is renowned for its protective power against negative energies and unwanted influences.
  • Emotional Balance: It helps balance emotions and bring mental clarity.
  • Healing: Obsidian is used in lithotherapy to promote physical and emotional healing.


  • Meditation: Use this Ankh cross during your meditation sessions to strengthen your spiritual connection and find inner peace.
  • Decoration: Place it in your living or working space to benefit from its protective properties and aesthetic beauty.
  • Gift: Give this obsidian Ankh cross to a friend or loved one to transmit positive energies and a symbol of life.

Maintenance tips :

  • Clean the stone regularly with clean water.
  • Recharge it under solar or lunar light to strengthen its properties.

Note: Each obsidian piece is unique due to its natural characteristics. Colors and designs may vary slightly from piece to piece.

This Obsidian Ankh Cross is a valuable addition to your crystal collection and a powerful tool for your lithotherapy practice. She is ready to accompany you on your spiritual journey while bringing the beauty of nature into your daily life.


Ultra resistant diamond wire 1MM / Stainless steel chain


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Any undamaged product in its original packaging can be returned to us within 30 days of delivery. Defective products not refundable.

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